trapšè — éta m (ȅ ẹ) pog., slabš. neumen, nespameten človek: trapše jim je verjel in dal denar éta s (ȅ ẹ) pog., slabš. neumen, nespameten človek: le kaj si je trapše mislilo, da bo doseglo / kot psovka molči, trapše zmedeno … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
trapse — variant of traipse … Useful english dictionary
trapsėjimas — sm. (1); L736 → 1 trapsėti … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
traipse — /trayps/, v., traipsed, traipsing, n. Informal. v.i. 1. to walk or go aimlessly or idly or without finding or reaching one s goal: We traipsed all over town looking for a copy of the book. v.t. 2. to walk over; tramp: to traipse the fields. n. 3 … Universalium
traipse — [[t]treɪps[/t]] v. traipsed, traips•ing, n. 1) inf to walk or go aimlessly or idly or without finding or reaching one s goal 2) inf to walk over; tramp: to traipse the fields[/ex] 3) inf a tiring walk • Etymology: 1585–95; earlier trapse,… … From formal English to slang
trapsėti — 1 trapsėti, tràpsi, ėjo [K], NdŽ, KŽ; Kos56, L žr. trepsėti 1 … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
trapsėti — 2 trapsėti, tràpsi, ėjo tr. Dt su garsu valgyti triuškantį, trapų daiktą … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
traipse — [trāps] [Informal or Dial.] Informal Dial. vi., vt. traipsed, traipsing [earlier trapse, prob. < or akin to Fris trapsen, to walk aimlessly, with storklike gait, intens. of * trappen; akin to MDu, to tread, stamp, OE treppan: see TRAP1] to… … English World dictionary